How can we help?

Our world-wide network of established and well-respected overseas agents/partners has been carefully selected, not only to complement our operations, but because of their broad knowledge, dependability, and professionalism. They are major factors in helping us to provide fully integrated Door to Door freight solutions in all of the following countries.

Argentina                   Denmark                Ivory Coast            New Zealand         Slovenia                                

Australia                     Ecuador                  Japan                      Norway                  South Africa         

Austria                        Egypt                      Jordon                    Nigeria                   Spain

Bahrain                       Eritrea                     Kenya                     Oman                     Sri Lanka

Bangladesh                 Ethiopia                  Korea                      Pakistan                 Sweden

Benin                           Fiji                           Kuwait                    Paraguay                Switzerland

Belarus                        Finland                   Lebanon                 Peru                        Taiwan

Belgium                      France                    Madagascar          Philippines             Tanzania

Bosnia                         Germany                Malaysia                 Poland                    Thailand

Brazil                           Georgia                  Malawi                   Portugal                 Togo

Bulgaria                      Greece                    Malta                      Qatar                      Tunisia

Cambodia                   Ghana                     Mauritania             Romania                 Turkey

Chile                            Hungary                 Mongolia               Russia                     Uruguay

China                           Hong Kong            Morocco                Saudi Arabia          Uganda

Colombo                     India                       Mozambique         Senegal                  United Arab Emirates

Congo                         Indonesia               Nepal                      Serbia                     USA

Croatia                        Ireland                    Netherlands           Singapore              Venezuela

Czech Republic          Italy                         New Caledonia      Slovakia                  Vietnam


Every year our network holds a conference in one of the partnered global regions, where we can have face to face discussions with our overseas counterparts. This is invaluable in promoting stronger working relationships / developing further business opportunities and introducing new partners to the group. 

Experience shows that wherever possible we visit the countries where we operate services, either in a sales or operational capacity, this helps us gain a priceless working knowledge of the local region, which adds extra benefit to our customer, as well as solidifying the relationship with that local partner.